Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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Just a few photos!

It's me again!

While I've been here I've taken a few pictures so I'd like to share those with you!

Here are some photos of where I live and the area around me. I'll be sure to upload photos of my workplace in the next post so keep your eyes peeled!


My dad! (well host dad..) I might have gotten lost if it weren't for him on the day of moving!
My lounge when I first moved on! I instantly made it messy (and it's still messy now haha!)

It took 5 attempts to get the washer to work! You'll see why in a later post!
Absolutely fantastic shower area complete with an automatic bath (that's right.. automatic!)

No Japanese residence is complete without a Genkan 「玄関」
Messy bedroom! The bed is so dodgy I think it's broken on one side.. oh well!
I had a good night : Beer, Melon and CITY HUNTEERRRRR!
Here is Yaizu train station. It looks a lot bigger than it really is!
Finally, for all you pervs out there.. a LOVE HOTEL muwhaha!

What do you think of my photos? Is there anything you want to see specifically in Yaizu or the Shizuoka area?

I'm going to upload photos from my workplace very soon so keep your toast toasted!


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